Saturday, April 17, 2021

TPLO Day 9

Things continue to move in the right direction. While Jedi does seem to initially come out of his pen a bit stiff-legged in the mornings, he does seem to warm up and walk out of it relatively quickly. Knowing this, I made it a point this morning to take him on one of his 5-minute walks straight away before breakfast. We circled around the edge of the property along the creek and Jedi thoroughly enjoyed taking in all of the sniffs. When we walk he doesn't lift his nose off the ground, although it's a tossup if it's because of smells or his ravenous appetite for dried/mowed grass...

We did our second walk around 10:30 a.m., followed by another session of PT and a nap. I had to make a run into town for some stuff, including Jedi's CBD oil, so I elected to take him along since he seemed to do well in the crate yesterday. Due to a crazy amount of traffic and a long holdup in the checkout at Lowe's, we ended up being gone almost two hours. He was ready to get out and seemed a bit hot. He did have the fan on him yesterday, I'll give him that.

When we got home I dragged out my last and tallest x-pen to set up Jedi's "summer home." The dogs are used to spending a lot of time outside in the summer, just hanging out in the front & back yards while I'm out doing yard work like weed whacking and mowing. I would feel exceptionally guilty to keep Jedi locked inside by himself all of those hours, so I figured I could set him up with an outdoor xpen. It was cool out today, only 60 degrees and overcast, so I put it right out in the middle of the backyard. Going forward I can throw a shade cloth over it on warmer days, but I do figure that Jedi would rather be in the grass than up on the deck or something. We were out there a couple of hours after getting home from running errands. Every time I looked over it looked like Jedi was probably just sleeping. Normally he hangs out under the deck while I'm mowing, though, so not really much different.

Here's our video from today. I may not continue the daily walking video after the two week mark, as there really isn't a lot more progress to report on at the moment. He's walking really well!  (Link for mobile: )

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