Monday, April 19, 2021

TPLO Day 11

I think my main comment for today is, "If this is the behavior I'm seeing while Jedi is still drugged up, I'm not looking forward to the day when we are off everything." Don't get me wrong, he's being a good boy in the house and in his pen, but he's definitely getting a bit more worked up on his walks. I've had to take to looping part of the leash around his neck and holding on to that along with the part that goes to the harness. This has been my go-to for "control" at busy agility trials. It has been keeping him in check and preventing him from trying to flail at the end of the leash. He's also starting to get a lot more excited when all of the other dogs set off. As expected, the worst time is when it's time to go outside after my classes are done. I might need to play with order of letting out and make everyone else stay in while I take Jedi out.

I feel like we're so close to being totally healed with the incision, although the crusty stuff is driving me nuts. Maybe tomorrow I'll dab at it a bit with some alcohol or something. I figure I should at least be able to go at that large chunk at the bottom. Jedi is still wearing the blow up collar most of the time. I left him naked after his last PT session tonight to see how he does. The thing he went after the hardest was the naked spot on his butt. I've given him a couple of "eh-eh" noises to divert his attention away when he starts sniffing at his leg, but he's not trying to lick. He'll sleep in the collar, but I thought it would be nice to give him a little time out of it.

Little by little I keep seeing improvements with the hip stretches. I'm also feeling a lot more mobility and less resistance coming from the knee, so that's good. Today I introduced hip sways to our routine. I just have Jedi stand facing away from me and then gently push his hip back and forth to encourage him to put weight on the right leg. He wants to look over his right shoulder at me and not put any weight on that side at all, but when I get him to straighten out or look back over his left shoulder then he seems to not have any problems with this exercise. He stood on his right leg to pee again today, too.

Here's our video from today. These are becoming a little non-exciting, but I'll keep it up through the 14 day mark for sure. Then I may transition to videoing some PT stuff like figure-eights, cavaletti, etc. We're closing in on that two-week time table where we get to do more of that. (Link for mobile:

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