Wednesday, April 28, 2021

TPLO Day 20

Today ended up being a pretty quiet day, on account of the fact that it ended up raining most of the day. I was expecting rain tomorrow but not today, so that took me a bit by surprise. I was worried that I'd get rained out of doing the PT video today, but it worked out. We did miss our late morning walk today because of the rain (it started pouring during a private lesson), but we made it up with one tonight since evening classes got rained out.
Jedi has seemed to be off-loading his weight a bit more today for some reason. He's using his leg fine when he's walking, but any time we stop he's really shifting the weight over and going into more of a toe-touch on the right leg. This surprises me a bit given that we had a light day yesterday, but I suppose we're going to go through phases. There are certainly times where he's distracted and puts all of his weight on the right leg.

Tomorrow will be three weeks since Jedi's surgery and his first check-up with his surgeon, Dr. Wearing. I am not sure what to expect for this appointment, as I don't think they're going to knock him out and do xrays this early in the game. I think that's more standard for around the 8-week mark, but I could certainly be wrong and they might like to check that at this point, too. I am interested in getting Dr. Wearing's thoughts on keeping Jedi medicated longer. I would definitely like to refill his Deramaxx, as I don't think it's fair to have zero pain killers on board. I'd be game for a couple more weeks of the Trazodone and Gabapentin, too, although I'm still not sure how much it's doing.

Here's our video from today. For some reason I never realize how many of the cavaletti we do until I'm editing video and go, "Sheesh, how many reps of that did I do?"  (Link for mobile: )

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