Tuesday, April 20, 2021

TPLO Day 12

We're on day 12 and really, there isn't much to report today. Jedi is pictured here without his blow up collar, but we had a couple of mishaps with that today. It would seem that he's okay to go without it from dinner to bedtime because he generally just sleeps during that time. This morning I was lazy about putting it on while I got dressed and while I was making lunch, and both times I came back into the living room and he was licking his knee. I guess that tells me that we aren't ready to get rid of the collar yet.

I still haven't gone after the crusty bits around the suture line. Some of it seemed to fall off today, or maybe Jedi took care of it during those brief licking sessions.... At any rate, it's still looking good. Jedi still isn't a fan of hip stretches, and sometimes he would rather roll around on the rug than sit for his PT stuff, but for the most part he usually falls asleep during it. Lately the routine has been heat after the first walk, ice after the second, ice after the third, and then we finish our day with the heat again. We're also doing 20-30 total minutes of laser per day.

Jedi is enjoying our walks. Including the time it takes to have him go potty in the front yard, we're probably out there for close to ten minutes now. I had some pool noodles set out as cavaletti from class last night and on a couple of our trips I had Jedi try his hand at walking over them. That's technically a "week 3" physical therapy task, but he's been doing great and I'm sure he's ready. These are totally unsecured and easy to knock around, but I thought he did very well stepping over them and putting weight on the bad leg. We also did more hip sways during our indoor PT to encourage a weight shift onto the right leg.

I let Jedi hang out in the outdoor xpen while I built a course for class tonight. My parents were out there helping me and Jedi hasn't seen them since his surgery -- and I asked them not to go say hello to him because I don't trust that he wouldn't jump up to try to say hello. I'm not sure if it was because of them or just because I was setting up agility stuff, but man did he cry and carry on. When we were done building I took Jedi and Ren on a trip around the back, went into the house and did Jedi's icing, and then left everyone in the house while I took Ren out to run the course. Jedi seems to have accepted his fate of staying in the house and seems particularly fine if he's not the only dog left in there.

Here's our day 12 video. Still looking good. (Link for mobile: https://youtu.be/sn9GvkBX4MU )

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