Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Day 3 - Jedi goes to school

Today we continued settling into the routine of sleep/work/play. Jedi did well again last night, again getting up twice in the night to go outside (he pees and poops every time we go out, so I guess it's legit). I'm never one to push the whole sleeping through the night deal. I'd much rather take them out before they learn to fuss and wake me up. I'm a person who likes my sleep!

I was able to get a bit more work done today. Thankfully my wifi reaches out into the yard and I quickly learned that the easiest way to get through back-to-back meetings with a puppy is to sit outside so that you don't have to worry about accidents. As you can see, Jedi enjoys sunning himself!

Things are going well with all of the dogs. Kizzy has definitely taken a shine to Jedi. Kaiser can be a total jerk sometimes but mostly ignores him. Luke completely ignores him. I still monitor Secret closely, but for the most part she's ignoring him. Really, it's hard for anyone to get time with him thanks to Kizzy hogging him all the time.

Jedi's new experience of the day was accompanying me to teach classes tonight. It was graduation night for both puppy class and basic manners! I went to class super early in order to have a chance to play with Jedi in a new environment and give us time to go potty before everyone arrived. He did just super in his play session -- this puppy will play with anything, anywhere! He was even able to switch from food to toy and back again, something I will never take for granted after what I've gone through with my other dogs. So fun!

The classes each went walking outside during class and Jedi got to come along carried in my arms (he doesn't know how to walk on leash yet and that wasn't going to be his introduction). Lucky for me he's a light little squirt. He didn't mind being carried at all and did really well, taking in the world. He started to fuss towards the end of the second class, but thankfully there was an extra person there who could hold him so he wouldn't have to sit and cry in the crate. Class won't start again for another few weeks, so it will be a bit before he has to sit through that again. I'm looking forward to teaching the next set of puppy classes with a puppy of my own!

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