Last night I pumped Jedi full of 50mg of Benadryl. By the time we went to bed I would say that the swelling had reduced slightly, but not as noticeably as the change in Kizzy during the same time span during her swelling episode a few weeks ago. Jedi spent much of the night under the bed, which isn't super characteristic for him these days (mostly because it's getting harder for him to fit). He still had noticeable swelling of the muzzle this morning, so I put a couple more Benadryl into him. In addition to the swelling, I also noted that he was pretty pink on the top of his nose and along his lips -- the right side in particular.

Jedi was super, super quiet all morning. While I did figure that the 50mg of Benadryl in his system might have been causing some of this, he was still just uncharacteristically mopey. At one point I got up to check on him and couldn't find him -- turns out he was laying in the bathroom. It is totally not normal for him to remove himself from everyone like that. Because he was still showing signs of swelling at noon, I finally decided to call the vet clinic to see if they could get us in this afternoon. On top of the facial swelling, Jedi still isn't 100% on that right foot yet and he's got that retained baby tooth. I figured we could hit up all three at once, making the additional urgent care fee worthwhile.

They were able to squeeze us in at 2:20. Jedi got weighed first thing and today he was 27.3 lbs. I have to admit that when I dosed him with the Benadryl I really did think he was probably closer to 30 by now. We'll call that his 5 1/2 month weight, I guess. The clinic ended up being absolutely swamped with a county impound case when we got there, which knocked them down to a single exam room. Jedi's swelling was finally starting to subside by this point and I started to feel bad for taking up their time during that craziness. We hung out and chatted with the staff while we waited for the room, and the tech came out to do the initial consult in the waiting area. Jedi's temp was on the high end of normal, but otherwise nothing remarkable was found in the initial examination. Jedi got to try to say hi to the clinic cat, but she is savvy and just teased him.

Once admitted to the room we waited forever due to that whole impound situation and regularly-scheduled things. Those who don't have appointments in advance don't really get to complain about such circumstances, but I did find myself regretting the fact that I left Jedi's toy bag at home today. He was happy enough to tug on his leash for a bit, but he eventually tired of that. Truth be told, I'm pretty sure he was antsy more because he had to go to the bathroom, but thankfully he made it until we left. It was probably a full hour after we arrived at the clinic (I got there early) before we saw the vet, so Jedi did a pretty great job at practicing his patience skills.

What did we learn? Well, not much. Who knows what caused it. I didn't expect my vet to be a wizard or anything, I think I was just leaning more towards, "what now?" We are going to hit him up with another 50mg of Benadryl tonight due to how long this is sticking in his system, whatever it is. I might give him another dose (perhaps just 25mg) in the morning depending on if there is any redness remaining. We figure, though, that the Benadryl might help to keep Jedi quieter for the foot thing. We're going to call it a sprain for now, as the vet did note some swelling that remains, but didn't feel anything broken (and Jedi didn't really react to anything). He said it might take a couple of weeks to heal fully. We'll do a baby aspirin twice a day for at least a couple of days to try to get rid of the inflammation. And finally, that retained baby tooth? It's not causing problems with the adult teeth that are coming in, so it is not an emergency to do anything with it. If it's still there in a couple of weeks (!) we'll talk again. It looks like it's starting to lose the blood supply and die, so hopefully it will go away on its own.

I asked if we can swim while Jedi's foot continues to heal and we got the thumbs up, but will wait a couple more days. Jedi is so super bored with life right now that I want to be able to give him something to do. At least tomorrow he'll get to go to class again, but I will likely keep him on leash again. I ordered food from Chewy.com this weekend and included a bunch of new water toys, since they just don't last long around here (Secret comes ashore, stands on them, and rips). The top of Jedi's baby bumper came off at our last trip to the river. He did fine with the standard bumper at the pool on Saturday, but I think he takes in less water with the smaller one. I might let him give a Wubba a try, but those are really Secret's thing (probably because they are easier to destroy). I'm not sure if we'll go up to the pool this weekend (trial on Saturday), but we should at least get to the river in the coming days to break in the new toys that arrived today.
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