Jedi spent the whole night on the bed last night! I've had Luke staying on the dog beds on the floor lately due to some issues he's been having, so there's been more room on the bed and I think Jedi finds this more inviting. We woke up to storm sirens this morning about 10 minutes before 5:00. Much like the rest of us, Jedi is learning to ignore them, although he certainly expressed interest when they first started going off. I wasn't able to go back to sleep at that point (after turning on the TV and scanning Facebook to find out that there was barely anything happening), so we had extended cuddling time in bed this morning. It did rain (not much else, so glad they ran the sirens), so we hung out in bed a little later waiting for it to let up. This meant I was crunched for time, so Jedi got breakfast out of a bowl this morning.

I came home from work a little earlier because I had a plumber coming to the house today. I knew that they could be there any time after noon and I still had a few things to tidy up before then. Jedi followed me around wondering why we weren't eating lunch or playing (the playing was the bigger desire). I finally caved and we did lunch outside a bit after noon. It's been a while since we have worked on our heeling skills, so we mostly just did that. At the end I decided to try the backwards figure eight stuff again. Surprisingly, it actually kind of worked when pivoting on the left leg! My mechanics on the right leg need some work, but we got a little swing through on that side as well.

The plumber guys showed up around 3:00 or so. Jedi really hadn't had much chance to nap while I'd been home, as the dogs could sense that I was waiting for something and were all a little edgy and thinking we were going to do something. This means that Jedi was pretty much high as a kite when I shooed them all outside upon seeing the truck pull in. I locked the dog door and sure enough Jedi didn't take long to voice his displeasure at this. I ended up bringing him in the house on leash, which I had hoped to do anyhow to give him the experience of having strange people come into the house. He woofed a couple of times when he first saw the guys, but he mostly wiggled and tried to jump on them (yay for leashes).

Mostly, though, Jedi was bored and not happy about being leashed in the house, so he started to bark. I grabbed a tug out of his bag and he happily tugged as the guys walked in and out of the house. Eventually I just took him outside and threw balls for everyone for a bit. Jedi got good and hot and ran all the way across the yard to dive into his pool when we were done. He stayed there while I went in the house again (guess he was hot) and then he was fine being outside for the rest of the visit. Now that I have working toilets I'll have to remember to keep the lids down to keep Jedi out...

We had a very quiet afternoon after the guys left. Everyone crashed after the excitement of strangers in the house. Thursday night class doesn't start until 7:30 which means I have time to take Jedi out swimming or something to wear him out a bit, but for as quiet as he was I didn't think I'd have to worry about that tonight. To a point I think I need to be cautious about wearing him out too much before these classes because then I think he just gets cranky. I packed up Jedi's food for the night and then stuck him in the van while I fed the other dogs before we left. They appreciated not having to wait for dinner until after 9:00, but Jedi probably thinks he missed out on his second dinner that he usually gets on class nights.

Jedi did well tonight. Play time got a little crazy at times. There is a standard poodle (female) who can get to playing pretty rough and I think she uses a lot of teeth. Jedi does fine with her to a point but would start snapping and gnashing at her when she got too bitey. It usually just took a quick separation and they were fine. Jedi got in lots of play time with the lab puppy, Lucy, too. They really like to play with each other. We had a great dane puppy join us tonight. He was pretty quiet, but Jedi did a great job coming down to his energy level when they interacted. Jedi had a few issues during the class portion where he got snarky if another puppy got too close to his treats. This was not an issue if he was engaged/working, only if I wasn't paying attention and let him wander. So, note to self, keep puppy engaged. There was much barking coming from Jedi's crate during the restrained recalls tonight. Because of this we stayed after for a bit and worked on some fun recalls. I also asked for "check-check" around the posts to see if he would generalize the skill -- he did! Still not getting nanana for toys, but we didn't work on it anymore today.
Jedi finished his dinner at class, so there were no further sessions once we got home. He's pretty full of himself tonight.
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