We had a doozy of a thunderstorm roll through here last night. Apparently it was bad enough for them to sound the emergency sirens, but I completely failed to hear them. It was a good chance for me to see if the fireworks had any negative lasting repercussions for Jedi. I'm happy to report that he seemed to do just fine. There were a couple of big booms that woke him up and made him sit up to look around like he wondered what just happened, but there was no fear response. I tried to get the dogs out around 10:30 so that we could go to bed, but it was still raining quite a bit. While in the garage with the door to the yard open there was a BIG crack of thunder and Jedi didn't even react to it.

I went into the office today because there was a meeting that was best attended in person. That means we rushed through breakfast a bit, but the good news is that our experience from yesterday was repeatable! Jedi was able to do full right turns around the cone with the food placed in a variety of locations that required him to completely bypass my body without a spin to the left. We went back downstairs at lunch time and I was able to get multiple rotations around the cone! Hooray! We're not quite there when it comes to transferring to a toy, though. I tried really hard to wait him out during our play time following the food, but Jedi just got really, really frustrated. He seemed to transfer "check-check" to the toy really easily, so we'll keep working towards that with nanana.

Today I confirmed Jedi's newest obsession -- the toilet. There have been a few instances now that have led me to believe that someone has been in the toilet. Water drops here and there. A collection of dirt at the bottom of the toilet once (from playing in the dirt outside and then drinking out of the toilet). Odd noises coming from the direction of the bathroom.... Today was more noticeable, though. He's not jumping full in the toilet yet, but I have a feeling it's moving in that direction. I can't imagine Jedi played a part in it, but when I went in to kick him out of the bathroom earlier I noted that the toilet was running. Then I kind of made things worse. So tomorrow Jedi gets to have the experience of a repairman coming to the house. And then we'll be leaving the toilet lid down...

We did a really quick outing tonight because I started up a new term for school today and had seminars starting at 7:00. I ended up going to Airport Beach with Jedi and Kaiser. We haven't been back to that beach since it warmed up and Jedi really started to swim, so I figured it would be a good opportunity for him to test out his sea legs in a busier area. The beach was pretty busy, but not terribly bad and we managed to find a spot between a couple of parked boats and away from the big groups of people. I don't think it would matter to Jedi, though. Much like Secret, when water and toys are involved he doesn't really pay much attention to the other stuff around us.

The water ski team was out practicing tonight, so there was a lot of boat traffic along the river. This was causing some fairly big waves to come into shore on a pretty regular basis. Jedi took these in stride and didn't seem too put off by it. He did really well being the only one doing the fetching tonight - no hesitation at all. I threw some of them way out there, too, and he did great. Because of our time crunch I have to admit that I didn't do a lot to reinforce the whole "get out of the water" deal. I did some at the end and Jedi did well after a reminder, but for the most part I was in the water with him and just kept sending him back out. He got in a good 20 minutes of swimming tonight. He needed it, though, because he did absolutely nothing else the rest of the day.
We didn't get home until about 6:50, so dinner was out of a bowl again since I had to get logged in to my class.
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