Jedi stayed up on the bed last night, at least until after I had fallen asleep. When the alarm went off this morning, though, he came crawling out from under the bed. Seriously, some day he's not going to fit there anymore... Because I didn't get out of bed until 5:00 and we needed to be on the road by 5:30, Jedi ate breakfast out of a bowl this morning. We managed to get out the door on time, but we were minus one dog because Kaiser is hopping around on three legs. :o( My first assumption was that it is his patella, but after further inspection I'm thinking it might be his foot. No idea what would have caused either of them, he was doing it when I came home from picking up Luke's hamburgers last night.

The dogs rode quietly to Camp Bandy and we got there right around 7:30. I let all three of the dogs out for a quick potty trip before I went in to check in and walk my course. I didn't have much time between running the girls (the Premier class was small), so Jedi had to hang out in the crate until after Secret was done running and they could all come out again. I was glad for a nice day with temps in the mid-70s that allowed me to just crate out of the van today. It hardly seems to pay to drag crates inside for four hours. No worries, Jedi will get plenty of trial crating experience when we go up to Minneapolis in a couple of weeks.

I brought Jedi inside during the 16" JWW class. We sat in a chair by the ring and played tug and did spins/twirls. He was completely oblivious to the other dogs until a particular black "labish" looking dog came out of the ring past him and all of the sudden his focus was completely on that dog, and not in a good way. I scooped him up and we moved to the little crating area off the ring. No idea what that was all about, but it's certainly not behavior we need to rehearse at all. He happily played tug again in that area, but it was riling up the crated dogs so we moved the show outside.

We ended up at the back fence line where there was a big pretty mare getting a drink from the water trough. I thought it would be a good chance for Jedi to be exposed to a quiet horse who wasn't doing anything (as opposed to one running around barrels). He showed a lot of interest as we approached and was fine until the horse looked at him. He started barking and I dragged him away until he stopped, and then we tried again. That happened a couple of times and then he went for the fuzzy octopus in my hand. He was able to tug ferociously right next to the fence/horse. After that he seemed fine, but again, the horse wasn't doing anything. Thanks, pretty mare, for helping us out!

After Kizzy was done with her Standard run I took her and Jedi in to the big open fenced area in back to let Jedi blow off some steam. Kizzy stays on leash because, even though the area is fenced, I just don't trust that she won't find a way out. She's crafty that way. Jedi enjoyed the big area and getting to run full out. With that big of an area I'm able to throw the frisbee far and fast enough to stay ahead of him (he hasn't ever tried to jump/catch a disc, but we don't want to encourage it yet) instead of the limited distance of rollers. We didn't play terribly long because for some reason I am incredibly paranoid about him getting hurt lately. Probably doesn't help that I already had one dog sidelined at home... The way Jedi fetches is downright abusive to his body -- it's like he's sliding into home plate every time he gets to the toy. If it's not a straight slide it's a somersault. Ball, frisbee, it doesn't matter.

Once Secret was done with her last run we took one more quick potty walk and then everyone went back in the van with pig ears for the drive home. We got home at 2:30, which is when Jedi finally got his lunch since I completely forgot to take that with us today. We went downstairs and did circle work around the cone. Again. I am stubborn and gosh darn it we are going to keep working on this until we get those circles to the right! I'm trying to play with reward placement and which hand I use because I'm almost certain that a big part of the problem is that the food dish is on the left and that's the hand I'm rewarding with. He's watching that hand as he comes around, which is why he keeps doing the left spin. We'll keep at it. Jedi's doing great with the left turns both for food and toys.

After some forced napping (I closed the fence to the big yard because of Kaiser's gimp) we went back outside around 5:30 for some play time. I finally rocked Jedi's world and brought out both tunnels. I made a big circle out of the two tunnels and a single cone. I didn't do any turns or "tights," the whole exercise was just about running in a big circle as fast as he could. Jedi thought this was super awesome. We also worked on stays in front of the tunnel, which did not have nearly the same struggle that we experienced in class. Truthfully, the bigger issue was that I would release Jedi with "okay" and he would run straight to me/the toy instead of taking the tunnel. Once he got the idea that he was supposed to take the tunnel he did break a couple of times, but that seemed to be all that was needed to get the point across and he did great. At the very end I ask him for "check, check" around the cone -- new cone, new spot -- and he did it. Hooray! Now to just get that other direction...

I filled up a pool for Jedi when we were done because he looked pretty warm and was, no surprise, climbing in the water bucket. He didn't even wait for the pool to fill at all, he just went flat down in the pool and let the water fill over the top of him. lol I was lazy (again) and Jedi ate dinner out of a bowl tonight. He's been running around like a loon since them. Secret has been playing with him tonight. Haven't seen that in a while.
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