Jedi needs to get on board with "work at home Friday" and learn to enjoy sleeping in a bit more. He was up and running by the usual 6:00 time, but I put him off until almost 8:00 when I finally made myself get out of bed to log in to work. For breakfast this morning I took Jedi back downstairs to work more on the suitcase trick. This one is clicking with him pretty quickly. The auto down is there, so I started moving the lid closer towards the closed position so that Jedi would have to duck his head to get in. I was all set to go downstairs for Jedi's lunch when I remembered, oh yeah, it's Friday -- So we went out on the deck and did nails instead. Jedi was a wee bit excited about his food today but otherwise did well.

Secret and Kaiser had another chiropractor appointment in Viroqua today. I hemmed and hawed over whether or not to bring Jedi, but he'd had a long boring day at home and needed to get out of the house. It was cool enough (another day in the low 70s!) that I could leave him in the van if I wanted, but I ended up taking him inside. Jedi tugged his leash while we waited in the lobby -- it's nice to always have a "toy" handy that way. :o) One of the main reasons I took Jedi in with us was so that I could get an official 5-month weight on him. He weighed in at 25.5 lbs today, which is like a surprising three pounds behind some of his brothers. Huh.

I brought Jedi's toy bag along to keep him occupied during the appointment. He self-entertained with his holee roller for a good deal of time before and during the appointment. It's pretty fun now that he's learned how to squeak the ball inside of it. Eventually he got bored with that and started to dive into his bag looking for other toys, which the vet found entertaining. Unfortunately he picked the one with the loudest squeaker (one of our Clean Run food stuffable toys) so I ended up taking that away from him because it was absolutely obnoxious and we couldn't hear each other talk. Jedi behaved himself pretty well for the most part, but he's starting to jump up on people so we'll have to put a little bit of work into that one.

After we left the clinic I decided to check out a park in Viroqua to get Jedi out to another new place. I learned of Eckhart Park when I was looking for something to do last weekend, although we didn't end up going. It's on the same street as Rising Sun Animal Wellness Center, but down on the opposite end, so it was easy enough to find. It was a pretty little park. I left Secret and Kaiser in the van since they were just adjusted and I didn't want Secret leaping for frisbees only to undo everything, so we didn't stay and explore very long. For the most part we just threw frisbees for a bit to help Jedi get his ya-yas out. A few people walking by seemed entertained by Jedi's antics. One asked if Jedi could do any of those "fancy catches" and I said maybe someday, but he's still a little too young for that. :o)

When we got home I cleaned up the yard and I started to get some of our stuff ready for our early departure to Minneapolis tomorrow. I took Jedi downstairs for his dinner where we worked on the suitcase trick before having to bring the suitcase upstairs for packing. I continued to lower the lid even more and Jedi did super, including having it fully closed on top of him once he was in. He's not ready for it to be fully closed yet, which became clear when I wasn't quick enough about getting it picked up a little after he jumped out. He didn't even look for a way in, he just jumped straight on top of it and tried to lay down, wondering why things weren't working quite the same. We'll have to revisit this one after we get home (and the suitcase gets unpacked, which sometimes takes a while, but maybe this will be motivation).
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