Sunday, July 31, 2016

Agility Trial and The Dog Tank

It's been a few days, so I figured Jedi's blog was due for an update! Jedi has been doing well since his vet visit on Wednesday. I gave him another dose of Benadryl on Thursday morning, along with the last dose of aspirin that I gave him for his foot. I stopped the aspirin because I wasn't noticing that initial off gait anymore, but I have continued to keep Jedi's activity pretty low. I have to say, I'm kind of impressed with his ability to chill in the house with such a reduced activity level. Over the last few days he's been a bit fruity and saying he's ready to do more, but there were several days there where he actually stayed pretty quiet.

On Thursday Jedi got to go to puppy class with me. I let him have some play time dragging his leash this time, but limited his ability to run too much. This particular group of puppies is more about wrestling than running, so it worked out well. Jedi was happy to finally get to do something. We stayed home on Friday, mostly because we had an agility trial on Saturday and I didn't want Secret wearing herself out the night before if we went swimming or something. I introduced Jedi to the NADAC hoop obstacle, which was pretty much a non-event because we've generalized the sending around stuff skill (around/through, not much different I guess). I just ran him through a pinwheel and kept spreading the hoops further apart to build his send/distance, and then had him come into my hand for the holee roller ball as a reward to avoid any more tumbles. I don't know when I'll be comfortable letting Jedi fetch again...

Yesterday we drove over to Camp Bandy for another AKC trial. We left home at 5:30 since we were running Premier and it was the first class of the day. Jedi got breakfast out of a bowl, but truthfully I've been pretty lazy and he's been getting a lot of meals in his crate lately. I randomly work on the suitcase trick, holding stuff, and play on the FitPaws equipment, but yeah, lots of normal meals lately. Our Silvia Trkman class is done, so I have less incentive to work on specific skills now. I haven't gotten around to making our graduation video yet and haven't decided if I will. We'll see.

At any rate, Jedi did great at the trial. I set up one crate indoors when we arrived, because I only had four dogs between Kaiser and Kizzy in that Premier class. I ended up leaving the crate inside and using it as home base for the day. Jedi got to come hang out inside and watch the world go by several times, although most of the time when I checked on him he was sleeping. He got to tug by the ring, but eventually I took him out back and played there so as not to be so disruptive. We played our stay/go game, he did sends around a post, and we played check/nana around the same post. Jedi got to look at the sheep, but I think he was more interested in sticking his head through the fence to eat sheep poop. I bought Jedi a new collar from a vendor at the trial. It's bright blue sparkles. I haven't decided if he's a sparkly boy yet or not, but I like it, and the proceeds were going to Malinois rescue. I'll have to take a picture for the next blog post, I guess. I put Jedi up on the measuring table between classes. He gave me a really nice solid stand-stay and I pegged him pretty much right at 18" this time.

Saturday night I finally got video of something that is happening more and more frequently. Every now and then I'll be like, it's too quiet... I get up to do a head count of dogs and find nothing other than Jedi and Kaiser outside. Together. Playing! Kaiser mostly acts like he hates Jedi in the house, but when nobody is looking he seems to rather like him.

Originally I thought maybe we'd stay home today and stop putting so many miles on my van, but then I got word that the jumps I'd ordered were done. The guy that makes them only lives about an hour away from The Dog Tank and was willing to meet me there to deliver the jumps, so up we went! I only ever had one wing jump and both wings have busted, so now we have wings again. Yay! Also, these are much prettier than any of my other jumps. I would like more, but I'm glad I only got three because I had a difficult time getting them all into my van for the trip home. Almost had to collapse a crate, but I managed to squeeze them all in. I also talked the guy who made them into giving dock diving a try with his dog. The dog was jumping in from the dock within 10 minutes -- another addict is born!

Jedi had some super jumps today. He continues to improve on every trip. No doubt today he was a little higher than normal since he's done relatively little for the last week. There was a small group of folks wrapping up their session when we arrived and Jedi pretty much lost his mind until it was his turn. He was absolutely inconsolable today and would not be redirected from his screaming/barking until it was his turn. Jedi is quiet when he's on the dock. He's not quiet when he's not. That's pretty much how our visit goes. I am incredibly paranoid about Jedi hurting himself again. Because I figured the climb out of the pool might put a bit of pressure on the foot Jedi hurt last week, I opted to climb down the ramp and give him a boost up by his collar on every return. This seemed to work well for us, and isn't much different from our usual routine since I usually have to drag him out of the water anyhow.

Jedi broke the 15' mark while jumping today! This is good and not good (I don't want to say it's bad!). Obviously the fact that he continues to gain distance with each visit is awesome! The only reason one could view 15' as unfortunate is that it's the distance that bumps you into the next division (senior or something), against dogs that could be jumping over 19'. Oh well, we'll just have to see what happens in a few weeks. Maybe we can add another foot or two to his jump before then?  :o)  I went back and forth between the baby bumper and the full sized bumper today. I don't think Jedi cares at all, but I think the full size bumper tosses better so we'll probably use that. We can stick to the baby bumper for local swimming since the smaller size will encourage less water consumption. Interestingly, I tried jumping Secret with her beloved Wubba and found she also jumped better for the regular bumper, so I guess Wubbas will be her regular swim toy now (at least until she destroys the three I bought). I didn't try Jedi with a Wubba since I prefer the bumper and he likes them, too.

I mowed the lawn this afternoon and afterwards I set the dogs up for pictures with our new jumps. Luke didn't participate in that round of pictures, but since we were in posing mode I decided to go ahead and try to get a picture of all five dogs together. Luke really hates having his picture taken, so I try not to torture him this way too often. We got close during his half-birthday celebration, but I only managed to get four dogs for that because Kizzy took off on me. Kizzy was pretty much the problem child again today (perhaps I should revisit her stay work?), but we got it done. Jedi was a champ. It's obvious all of his posing and impulse control work is really paying off. For the important things. Like taking pictures.  :o)

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

To the vet we go (27.3 lbs)

Last night I pumped Jedi full of 50mg of Benadryl. By the time we went to bed I would say that the swelling had reduced slightly, but not as noticeably as the change in Kizzy during the same time span during her swelling episode a few weeks ago. Jedi spent much of the night under the bed, which isn't super characteristic for him these days (mostly because it's getting harder for him to fit). He still had noticeable swelling of the muzzle this morning, so I put a couple more Benadryl into him. In addition to the swelling, I also noted that he was pretty pink on the top of his nose and along his lips -- the right side in particular.

Jedi was super, super quiet all morning. While I did figure that the 50mg of Benadryl in his system might have been causing some of this, he was still just uncharacteristically mopey. At one point I got up to check on him and couldn't find him -- turns out he was laying in the bathroom. It is totally not normal for him to remove himself from everyone like that. Because he was still showing signs of swelling at noon, I finally decided to call the vet clinic to see if they could get us in this afternoon. On top of the facial swelling, Jedi still isn't 100% on that right foot yet and he's got that retained baby tooth. I figured we could hit up all three at once, making the additional urgent care fee worthwhile.

They were able to squeeze us in at 2:20. Jedi got weighed first thing and today he was 27.3 lbs. I have to admit that when I dosed him with the Benadryl I really did think he was probably closer to 30 by now. We'll call that his 5 1/2 month weight, I guess. The clinic ended up being absolutely swamped with a county impound case when we got there, which knocked them down to a single exam room. Jedi's swelling was finally starting to subside by this point and I started to feel bad for taking up their time during that craziness. We hung out and chatted with the staff while we waited for the room, and the tech came out to do the initial consult in the waiting area. Jedi's temp was on the high end of normal, but otherwise nothing remarkable was found in the initial examination. Jedi got to try to say hi to the clinic cat, but she is savvy and just teased him.

Once admitted to the room we waited forever due to that whole impound situation and regularly-scheduled things. Those who don't have appointments in advance don't really get to complain about such circumstances, but I did find myself regretting the fact that I left Jedi's toy bag at home today. He was happy enough to tug on his leash for a bit, but he eventually tired of that. Truth be told, I'm pretty sure he was antsy more because he had to go to the bathroom, but thankfully he made it until we left. It was probably a full hour after we arrived at the clinic (I got there early) before we saw the vet, so Jedi did a pretty great job at practicing his patience skills.

What did we learn? Well, not much. Who knows what caused it. I didn't expect my vet to be a wizard or anything, I think I was just leaning more towards, "what now?" We are going to hit him up with another 50mg of Benadryl tonight due to how long this is sticking in his system, whatever it is. I might give him another dose (perhaps just 25mg) in the morning depending on if there is any redness remaining. We figure, though, that the Benadryl might help to keep Jedi quieter for the foot thing. We're going to call it a sprain for now, as the vet did note some swelling that remains, but didn't feel anything broken (and Jedi didn't really react to anything). He said it might take a couple of weeks to heal fully. We'll do a baby aspirin twice a day for at least a couple of days to try to get rid of the inflammation. And finally, that retained baby tooth? It's not causing problems with the adult teeth that are coming in, so it is not an emergency to do anything with it. If it's still there in a couple of weeks (!) we'll talk again. It looks like it's starting to lose the blood supply and die, so hopefully it will go away on its own.

I asked if we can swim while Jedi's foot continues to heal and we got the thumbs up, but will wait a couple more days. Jedi is so super bored with life right now that I want to be able to give him something to do. At least tomorrow he'll get to go to class again, but I will likely keep him on leash again. I ordered food from this weekend and included a bunch of new water toys, since they just don't last long around here (Secret comes ashore, stands on them, and rips). The top of Jedi's baby bumper came off at our last trip to the river. He did fine with the standard bumper at the pool on Saturday, but I think he takes in less water with the smaller one. I might let him give a Wubba a try, but those are really Secret's thing (probably because they are easier to destroy). I'm not sure if we'll go up to the pool this weekend (trial on Saturday), but we should at least get to the river in the coming days to break in the new toys that arrived today.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Agility Foundations 2 - Week 3

I guess I took a little break there from blogging.  :o)  After going 101 days with no break I think we were all ready for some down time. Jedi has still been his usual, busy self, but we've definitely taken a step back and have enjoyed a couple of unstructured days without any plans. This past Wednesday was the first day we stayed home and did absolutely nothing. It was a hot day (we've had a lot of those lately), so our activity of the day consisted of nothing more than playing with the hose, filling the pool, and chasing tennis balls. It was really, really nice to stay home for a night!

Thursday night was a class night. It was a small class, but Jedi got to play and have fun. It was round two of the grooming discussion, so he demoed a few things and was a good boy. Friday was another gross day, so we went to the beach. I figured we'd go to Dresbach again, but I could see that airport beach was practically deserted as we drove by, so I went there since it's closer. The water was really high from all of the rain we've had lately -- and there were a lot of plants floating in it, which grosses me out a bit -- but the dogs don't care and they had fun (I took everyone but Luke).

On Saturday we left bright and early (that would be 8 a.m.) to drive up to Menomonie to play at The Dog Tank again. Jedi continues to get better with each visit. We arrived just before 10:00, which is apparently when they open on Saturdays (I was thinking 8:00, but that is Sunday I guess). There was a private session wrapping up, but come 10:00 we had the entire place to ourselves. That lasted until about 10:30 when another dog showed up, so the dogs got in a lot of swimming time right off the bat.

Since we were there by ourselves, Steve (the owner) asked if I was interested in any tips to get the dogs jumping better. Well, yes, of course! While Jedi has been gaining distance, his jumps have been pretty flat -- which obviously is going to limit how far he can go. Steve worked with me to get the dogs tracking the toy better and then we worked on my throw. The object is to wait until the dog is nearly to you before throwing, and then throwing it more UP than I was before. Ideally the toy will travel directly in front of the dog for the entire flight; perhaps the dog might even grab it. My throw needs some work, in timing, height, and distance. The good news is that both dogs started to pop more. The bad news is that I often failed to keep the toy in front of them and they would turn in mid-air. We'll keep working on it, but Jedi's probably put on almost 10' from his initial jumps already. It will be fun to get official distances from the competition next month.

After swimming I threw frisbees for a bit to air dry the dogs some before the drive home. We didn't stay long, as there were storms starting to blow in from the west. During the frisbee play Jedi did several of his tumble-flops that he does when he overruns his target. I noted nothing before loading up to go home. I noted nothing when we got home and he got out of the van. Early that afternoon, though, Jedi got up from napping and was noticeably off on his right front. Uh.... So yeah, panic -- I broke my puppy. After working him over, the best I can figure is that it's his foot. It's the only thing that elicits a reaction (he mouths my hand -- he doesn't do that when I palpate his other foot).

So, life has been pretty boring since Saturday. Jedi was still limping on Sunday. He would walk out of it, but when he got up he was off. Trying to keep him quiet has been super fun. Yesterday he did remarkably well at staying in the house and sleeping all day. I took Jedi to class last night, but he wasn't allowed off leash play time at the beginning of class (his doodle friend, Maizy, was nice enough to come roll around on the floor with him for a bit). Jedi actually did really well dealing with not being able to participate in play time. He also did great during class, including -- a miracle -- he didn't bark once during the restrained recall portion of class (I did have his crate covered/blocked, but still!).

Tonight was Jedi's agility class. He is moving better today and that initial gimp in his gait was far less noticeable (maybe even imagined by me at this point because I'm so neurotic). I decided that, like last night, Jedi could go to class and I would just limit his activity and not let him run like a loon. Yes, that is Jedi's most favorite part of agility class, but tonight would be focused more on impulse-control games for him and we would make that fun. Thankfully the instructors were totally on board with this and pretty much let me do my own thing for the entire night.

Instead of rotating over to the "action-filled" part of the lesson (I believe tonight they added the broad jump to the usual chute/tunnel stuff), Jedi and I went into the adjacent turf ring. There was a lowered dog walk (about 2') set up in the ring, along with a teeter off to the side (and jumps, a tunnel, etc.). I started Jedi out on the dog walk and we worked on bottoms, hopping up from the side. We progressed to having Jedi start from the middle plank and he did really well at nailing his bottoms (yeah, he overshoots occasionally and I need to work on proofing the behavior eventually). On a later turn I propped up the end of the teeter with a traffic cone and we worked on doing some slams on the raised bottom. This was the first time Jedi has seen a teeter other than mine at home and he did great with the difference.

On the other side we played with a tippy plank and wobble board, then we sat down and played with the paw pods. Jedi is getting really fast at finding all four (one with each foot), so I decided to spend some time to see if I could get him to have all four feet on two pods. I got two front feet on one and one back foot on the other, so that was pretty close. We also spent some time doing table downs and playing on the table. One super fun thing I threw at Jedi tonight (literally) was proofing his stay by throwing toys around him. I had 9 different toys out of his bag -- all "high value" toys with the exception of one boring braided fleece. I was able to throw them all around him (even hit him) and he held his stay. I was pretty amazed. It was interesting to see which toy he would pick when released. It was most often the holee roler with the squeaker ball in it, followed by the ball on a rope and the two-ball tug. Yup, he likes balls!

One of the trainers was playing with Jedi at the end of class, fascinated by his ability to wait until released to get the toy. She remarked that his nose looked a little swollen. Huh, yes, a bit. Secret had snapped at him right before we left when he got in her face, but I didn't think she'd actually connected -- but that's what I attributed it to. Imagine my surprise, then, when we got home and his face had blown up like a balloon! What the heck? We went through this with Kizzy on the day of their last vet visit, which may have been a reaction to the vaccination -- but I have no idea what could have brought this on. Jedi doesn't seem to care, he's not affected by it in the least. I gave him 2 Benadryl (assuming that as he's growing, the 25mg dose probably wasn't enough now), with the hope that maybe it would also help to knock him out for the evening. Well, no such luck there. The swelling has gone down some, but I guess we'll see what it looks like in the morning.

Jedi still has a retained canine tooth.... This picture is a few days old. Still stuck tight.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Agility Foundations 2 - Week 2

Breakfast this morning was a little rushed since I was slow to get out of bed (Luke had some problems again last night that had me up). We went downstairs and played on the peanut. Normally this is a fairly quick way to go through breakfast, but Jedi continues to have a heck of a time eating and keeping food in his mouth right now due to a serious lack of teeth. He tries to mouth it out of my hand and food just dribbles everywhere -- oh, and there is an excessive amount of spit being produced and covering my hand with slime as well. I'll be glad when his teeth come in. We spent some time doing spins and twirls with the toy, followed by check-check and nanana around the cone. I threw something new at Jedi by asking for spins and twirls around the cone (this is a "turn away" move). He picked it up really quick!

I didn't get home from work until 2:00 and elected to skip Jedi's lunch again in favor of taking the extra rations to class tonight. We left right at 5:30 -- Jedi got stuck in the van while I fed the other dogs and then we were off. It always amazes me how well he travels after having done nothing all day (well, not really nothing, he did throw a toy around by himself for a while this afternoon). He pretty much slept the whole trip. We got to Canine Sports Zone about 10 minutes early and spent some time wandering outside before going in. When we went in -- holy hot... Apparently the air conditioning bill was pretty bad last month and they are trying to cut back on costs, but ugh.

Jedi had another great night. We didn't really do anything new tonight. Jedi and I started on the tunnel side. The tunnel had a bit more of a curve tonight. I figured I may as well challenge Jedi, so I really pushed the "around the clock" game and had him finding some pretty impressive entrances -- especially from the back side. The last time I tried that he did a lot of circling of the tunnel, but tonight he did really well and found the entrance every time. I was pretty impressed since I've spent exactly zero time training this skill since the last time we did it in class. One of my training weaknesses with my other dogs is those backside tunnels, so I'd really love for that to not be an issue with Jedi (yeah, yeah -- if I would work on it...).

Over on the other side we played with cones. Jedi got to show off his check-check and nanana, and then we were asked to do some figure eights. The little stinker still shoots behind me occasionally when calling him in to my left hand, so we still need to work on that. After the cone work we moved to bottoms on the travel planks. My travel plank was conveniently located between two cones, so I used the cones to send Jedi around and have him come at the plank with a bit of speed. He overshot a few times and then started to catch on. I was using his new double tennis ball tug for this portion of class and he thought that was pretty awesome.

When we switched sides again we did chute exercises. I used this opportunity to start proofing Jedi's stays by lifting my arm and waving it around a bit. I got him a couple of times, but then he started to figure out the game and waited nicely for the verbal release. The class took a short break for everyone to get water (I offer it to Jedi throughout the night because he plays hard the whole time). I sat down with Jedi by the paw pods and started working him through his dinner since he hadn't really had a chance to eat anything yet. Our next exercise was Linda Mecklenberg's one-jump exercise where you sit by the standard and have the dog jump back and forth in a nice arc. Jedi and the other dog in our rotation, Jamaica, are too young for this so we did call to heal exercises with a jump standard instead. I started to push Jedi's angles a bit more.

They introduced the double jump tonight. Ours was set at 4". I worked on Jedi's lead out and threw in some blind crosses on release. When we rotated again I made the executive decision to take Jedi into the turf arena next to our training arena to work on proofing his stays without distracting the other dogs in our class. Then I started asking Jedi to leave the toy on the ground to go wrap the jump standard before being released to his toy. This is still hard for him, but he continued to get better as we went. The poor guy was hot and panting at the end of all of this and attempted to swim in his water dish for a bit.

Things ran a little long and we didn't get out of there until about 8:45. Normally when class runs long I'd be like, "cool, more training time" -- but with our drive home I'm not keen on getting home even later, so I didn't stick around to chit-chat at all tonight. We made good time and got home at 10:30. I chucked the ice from the cooler onto the deck, which pretty much made Jedi's night. After he'd had enough of that (or it melted, I would guess) he started throwing a toy in my face. You really think he'd be pooped after all of that running at class tonight....

In other news, I noticed today that Jedi is starting to grow "pants." He's finally losing that puppy fluff and growing an actual coat!

100 Days - The Video

I summed up Jedi's 100 day journey in a 7-minute video. It's kind of amazing to see the transformation from 8 weeks to 5 months go by so quickly!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Day 100 - Lake Wazee "The Wall" & Class Night

We did it! We have reached "Day 100" in Jedi's amazing, epic journey of having (at least) 100 new experiences since coming home with me in April. Jedi settled in pretty early last night -- he was probably sleeping on the couch by 8:30, so I guess his action-packed weekend at the trial affected him more than I thought. No worries, though, he was fully recovered by this morning and felt the need to make up for the lack of running over the last couple of days. After spending breakfast downstairs on the donut (made harder by putting the bone in front of it, so he was doing "push-ups" on and off the donut), Jedi kind of went nuts for a bit. I tossed the two stuffies that they had in the hotel onto the floor around 8:30 and it was nonstop craziness for about an hour.

Jedi crashed pretty hard on the couch for a couple of hours, but eventually he was up and playing again. Everyone else was still tired, so Jedi self-entertained by running laps up and down the hallway while tossing a toy around. With so much energy to burn, I decided to take Jedi downstairs and spend lunch on the treadmill. I figured it would be quick and easy, but it ended up being anything but. Seemingly out of the blue Jedi lost his confidence with the moving treadmill. After having him go on and off a few times I turned it on to 1.0 mph. Jedi jumped up but was unsure and jumped off. He continued to interact but was hesitant to go on with all four feet. I slowed it down to about 0.6 mph and we went straight back to the beginning. By the end he was fine, but it was interesting to witness this behavior. Perhaps he's entering a "fear period?" It was unexpected, that's all.

Originally I'd hoped to take off work today -- or at least a half day -- to do something "special" for hitting Jedi's 100th day. In the end, work is a zoo right now and I really couldn't get away for that long. I did manage to get away for a couple of hours, though, and we spent Jedi's 100th day doing what Jedi loves to do the most. Swim. We left a little after 2:00 and drove up to Lake Wazee. It was just Secret and Jedi along for the ride today, with the goal of bringing nothing home from the park other than water and maybe a little sand. The ticks can stay there this time!

I turned the other way upon entering the park in an effort to find us a new swimming spot. There are a lot of dive spots on that side of the lake! The first one had someone fishing, so I kept going so as not to disrupt him. The next spot had a couple of people and their dog, so on we went. The next spot, referred to as "The Wall" on the sign, just had a couple of young guys who looked like they were leaving the water area, so I parked there. As we made our way down to the water I was reminded of the sheer beauty of this lake and the crystal clear water. I'm not typically a fan of going into lakes and rivers past my knees, but something about this water calls to me and makes me want to swim. Granted the dogs aren't so picky, but it seems to call to them as well.  :o)

There were some interesting rock formations in the water that I tried to avoid, but Jedi thought they were pretty fun to launch off of on the way to get his toy. The dogs had one "super extended" trip out into the water when Jedi was a super stinker and made a move to get Secret's toy while he was coming back with his own. He beat her, and Secret won't fight him for it, so she started swimming aimlessly around looking for something. Jedi tried hard to get them both in his mouth and eventually seemed to give up and come back, but somehow he ended up with the string handle of the 2nd one in his mouth, too. Only thing is, he didn't realize this and started swimming in circles looking for the second bumper. Oh Jedi... Eventually he dropped both of them and decided to come back with only the big one (Secret's). Secret was still out there swimming around and blessedly went over and got Jedi's baby bumper and brought it back. Dogs.... After that I threw their toys in opposite directions.

We stayed at the lake for about a half hour, but it was a half hour of good solid swimming with some long tosses. Jedi also made good use of the rocks to recreate some "Little Mermaid" poses. He really liked the rocks. I tried to get the dogs to notice the little fish swimming around at our feet (because yes, the water is that clear) but they were too interested in their bumpers. When it was time to go I opted to just grab Jedi's collar and lead him over to his leash. He was starting to look pooped but he put on the usual show to make it clear that he had no desire to leave. It got better as we moved away from the lake, but there's no way I'd take him off leash again when he's in that state -- he'd end up right back in the lake again. We wandered enough to let the dogs potty, but I was leery of having them spend any time at all in the long grass (ugh, ticks).

We were only home about an hour before it was time to leave for class. It's kind of nice that the two wildest puppies (lab and a doodle) show up first each week, so we let the three hooligans start blowing off steam a little early. Jedi did really well tonight and didn't have any snarky moments at the other puppies during the working portion of class, but I was sure to monitor him very closely and any time his attention started to divert I'd get him back to me -- he definitely has a "tell" of when he thinks another puppy is getting too close to his goodies. Jedi was a good demo dog for nail trimming techniques, and then we got to go outside to walk again. I handed Jedi over to a student again while I showed them something with their dog and he pretty much threw a fit. I did warn them in advance that I had no expectation that he would behave for them. Back in the training room, we wrapped up the night with all of the "puppy agility" stuff that we have, and Jedi did a good job of showing the obstacle criteria.

Jedi still had a little dinner left over when we got home, so I topped it off and we went into the bedroom to work on holding the leash while the other dogs ate. Jedi's default offering behavior lately seems to be going up into a sit pretty, and he's getting pretty darn good at it. He was also offering this downstairs next to the treadmill today and it was hard not to reward it since he's really just starting to hold this position on his own. He was throwing some pretty impressive sit pretties while holding the leash, so that's what I rewarded. He's offering it with his hands held high and everything. How fun! After dinner Jedi ran around the yard for a while throwing the stuffy around, and then he came in and crashed on the couch. It was a pretty action-packed "Day 100" for the little guy!