Jedi is 19 weeks old today. Apparently 19 weeks is the magical age where they go totally mental on you? ;o) Where does this crazy boy of mine get all of this energy? It reminds me a lot of when Kizzy first came and we were putting on 5+ miles every single day to keep her in check. Jedi did finally crash hard last night around 8:30 or 9:00, but he was going a million miles per hour all day. He continues to do well sleeping free at night (notice I didn't say "on the bed"), including when we had an emergency siren sound in the middle of the night (my town sets off the sirens for the dumbest non-emergency things). He wasn't on the bed this morning when the alarm went off, but as soon as he heard it he lept up onto the bed with the happiest, "OMG, you're alive!" look on his face. Nights are boring and long when you are Jedi, I guess.

In the interest of time, Jedi ate breakfast out of a bowl this morning. He and Kizzy were full of beans this morning and tugged while I did all of my stretching/rolling on the floor. Jedi settled nicely at the trial today, though, and slept quite a bit of the day compared to yesterday. I opted not to do any fetching games with Jedi today because he came off the couch a bit stiff last night. Four month old puppies should not be stiff, he just did way too much yesterday chasing frisbees, running around at the trial, chasing balls at home, and then running around the yard for a couple of hours (again, crazy amount of energy). We did one play session at the end of the ring doing figure eights around a barrel and jump standard. I just used Jedi's leash as his toy and he thought it was the best thing in the world. I love that about him!

Other than that we just took lots of trips outside and hung out in the ring tugging his leash a couple of times. In the afternoon someone brought their 12 week old puppy to visit, so I brought Jedi out to meet him. They grow up so quickly -- I remember when Jedi was that little (probably because it was only 7 weeks ago). Jedi was very good with Ben, although he did try to spend an inordinate amount of time on top of him. After a bit they reversed roles, though, and Jedi rolled over onto his back and let Ben crawl on top of him, so I thought that was good of him. Ben escaped his collar at one point and, since I wasn't holding onto Jedi's leash at the moment, the two of them made like bandits into the arena area. Thankfully it was just during a course build and someone caught the other puppy quickly -- otherwise I bet the two of them would have had a rip-roaring good time running around together.

Jedi's lunch got split into a couple of sessions due to time constraints. He got to come out during the build/walk-through for one course, during which we worked on his heeling skills. He's doing really, really well. I'm starting to vary my speed more, adding in faster spurts and more turning. During the next walk-through I brought him back out to finish up the last of his dinner. I grabbed a jump standard thinking I would see if he'd offer the pee trick on a smaller object, but he immediately started to offer cik/cap around it (or whatever I'm going to call this behavior). I took off his leash to keep him from getting tangled and we spent the rest of his lunch doing that. We're still not getting more than a circle offered, but I think he's getting there.

Jedi got to meet several new people and a few new dogs this weekend. He played/worked off leash around other dogs and people, and wasn't reactive to anything or anyone. I love this dog! I had him in the arena this morning during tunnelers and that was a little too exciting, but that was the only thing that really got him going this weekend. Jedi saw all of the tunnels in the ring before we got started and thought surely all of that fun was there just for him. He's never done more than one tunnel in a row before -- I'd be curious to see what he would do if unleashed on a tunnelers course right now. Probably lose his brain, most likely. I only have two tunnels, so I guess that's not something we'll experience any time soon.

When we got home I got the yard cleaned up and then it was time to mow the lawn. Jedi's new favorite trick is apparently to scale the a-frame while I'm attempting to move it. I'd remove him or shoo him down and as soon as I'd go to grab the side again, up he went. Cute at first, but after a point you need to get the darn a-frame moved, so I had to try to fool him about what I was doing... Jedi did well with the lawn mower tonight, but I did have to come into the house and physically carry him outside after he saw me bring the mower out. Once I was going he was fine, even coming out to wander the yard once I was about halfway done or so. He just really hates it when I bring the mower out of the garage.

Dinner was out of a bowl tonight. It's been a long weekend. We'll get back to work tomorrow and I suppose I should probably start doing more for our Silvia Trkman class than just heeling and the cik/cap exercise. I'll be curious to see when Jedi finally throws in the towel tonight. It's almost 9:00 and he's still going strong.
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