The pumpkin seems to have helped Jedi's gurgling belly. He was a good boy and stayed on the bed last night, but did let himself outside before I got up. He and Kizzy went out together, as evidenced by their wet feet when they both came jumping up on the bed together. For breakfast this morning we went downstairs to play with the balance discs. First I wanted to see if Jedi remembered how to do a full pivot. Granted, he never really enjoyed pivoting on the disc, but I can see that maybe we should revisit this behavior now and again. He did offer pivots to the right, but I don't think he ever did a full turn to the left before he got cranky about pivoting. We spent the rest of breakfast playing with the small disc stacked on top of the big disc for added difficulty.

I got home from work a little earlier than usual since I had a 1:00 meeting. I caught all of the dogs by surprise, which is always entertaining ("Sleeping? We weren't sleeping!"). For lunch I took Jedi downstairs and let him have a treadmill session. He's gone running over to that side of the basement on several of our recent trips down there, so I figured he was telling me something. He did great today. I started him out at 1 mph and quickly bumped him up. We made it up to 2.2 or 2.3 mph today, which is still just a fast walk, unless he falls behind and has to trot to catch up. I have to be careful about not letting food drop at this speed, though, because Jedi will try to follow it down the belt to pick it up, resulting in him falling off the end and face-planting the moving belt. The good news, I guess, is that he wasn't in the least bit phased by this.

I had just enough time to pick up the yard before my meeting started, so Jedi had that time to run around and play. It wasn't nearly enough, though, and he made a few cameo appearances in my meeting today (it was just my team, so I had my camera on) as he brought toys to me and asked me to play. We finally got outside around 2:30 or so, where we played with the cones again. I moved them out a bit again, so they are probably about 15' or so apart now? One of these days I should start to add the tunnels to our sequencing, but I'm lazy about dragging them out. We also worked on our spins and twirls during this session. Jedi's spin is getting to the point where I just use the verbal and flinch with the toy and he'll spin to the left. The twirl is a bit stickier, but I think it's due to my own awkwardness with the toy in my left hand. My movements are still pretty exaggerated to get the turn to the right.

Today's outing was really nothing more than a glorified photo opportunity. On my drives to Black River Falls I keep seeing a sign for Wegner Grotto County Park. I looked it up on the internet and saw that it's a park with a bunch of artistic statues and figures covered in colored glass. It's just a tiny piece of land out in the middle of nowhere, so it wasn't an outing that would wear the dogs out, but it was good for practicing posing skills. I don't know why I took Secret along, as she's been cranky about sharing pictures with Jedi (such a diva). Thankfully I got her to oblige for several shots. In general, the dogs thought it was the worst outing ever. At least they got treats out of the deal. We didn't stick around terribly long because technically, according to the signs posted, dogs aren't allowed in the park...

To make up for the self-serving outing of the day with the sole purpose of getting pictures for the blog, we came home and played frisbee. Jedi is getting really good at grabbing moving rollers! At least when they don't run into things, that is, because I apparently have little to no control over which direction a roller roles. I let them run quite a bit tonight, which led to a predictable overly dramatic display of Jedi flopping himself into the pool. I imagine if I didn't have the pools he would turn into a dog who digs himself holes to cool off -- so I'm glad I have the pools!
For dinner Jedi ate out of a bowl because I'm lazy and figured it was the easiest way to give him more pumpkin (I opened a big can, so we have a lot to go through!).
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