Today we had a NADAC trial in Rochester, MN, which meant getting up bright and early to hit the road. Bright and early to me means 5:20, but Jedi still goes by the mantra "you snooze, you lose." I did manage to work Jedi for his breakfast at the early hour. We just went into the basement and played on the FitPaws donut. We're able to work through his food a lot faster with that versus working on the cik/cap exercise around the cone, so it won. Jedi ran around pretty much nonstop while I got ready to go, and thought for sure that he was going to get to play with the hose when I went to fill the water jug (sorry buddy). Thankfully this wore him out enough that he slept quietly on the ride to Rochester.

With temperatures in the 90s today, there was no way anyone was crating out of the van. I brought the 30" crate in for Jedi to hang out in today. He did really, really well inside at the trial today. He had a few moments where he barked as I was walking away, but he always stopped quickly. There were a couple of times where he barked at me when I was taking Kaiser or Kizzy out of their crate, but again he stopped once we walked away. Any time I took anyone outside I took all three dogs so that nobody would feel left behind and bark. I'm especially pleased that Jedi doesn't appear to be picking up Kizzy's screaming habit, which would be easy to do with her carrying on next to him (she quieted down this afternoon, but the energy was nuts in there this morning).

Jedi got in lots of play time today. I left him in the van until after Kaiser & Kizzy finished up Jumpers, and then I got Jedi out and we played frisbee before going inside. A little later on I brought him into the arena and we played with sends around the barrel. I finally squeezed in Jedi's lunch a little before 1:00 -- we worked on his heeling exercises at the end of the arena while they were building/walking Novice Regular (figuring that I can use his clicker when they aren't running). A couple of hours later I took Jedi outside to go play frisbee again. This session was shorter because it was about 94 degrees outside. Poor Jedi was missing his pool when we were done! I kept him out of the crate and let him flop onto the cool concrete floor outside of the arena. He looked dead to the world, soaking up as much of the cool floor as he could in a flat frog-dog pose.

I don't know where the heck his energy is coming from these days, but Jedi was nuts when we got home. We changed the water in the water bucket and then I ended up dumping and refilling both pools since they were hot to the touch again. Jedi went bonkers with the hose today. Luke and Secret had been left home all day, so I figured I'd play ball with everyone for a bit after the pools were filled. I quit when Secret stopped bringing the ball back, and Jedi said this was not long enough for him! Even still, he did seem ready to belly-flop into the pool afterwards.

Jedi enjoyed scarfing as many ice cubes as he could when I dumped the cooler. This, along with all of the water he sucked out of the hose, is probably what contributed to what I'm guessing was Jedi peeing in the house while I got dinner ready tonight. He was crated briefly while I ran to Walmart and then I moved to feeding as soon as I got home. I probably should have taken a moment to make everyone go outside. Now, I didn't see it happen or anything, but I'm assuming it was Jedi due to the size and all of the water he had. My guess is that he was excited about dinner and couldn't hold it. It's probably been eight weeks or more since he's gone in the house, but I guess that's why they call it accidents.

Jedi got dinner out of a bowl tonight because I'm exhausted and wanted my own dinner. Since then he's been going 100 mph running around with Kizzy, or by himself once Kizzy had enough. You'd think days like this would wear him out, but I swear they only charge him up. Hopefully the weather allows us to run outside again tomorrow, because I think that really helped keep him happy today. We got to Rochester at 8:00 and didn't leave until 5:00 -- that's a long day in the crate for a puppy, even getting out to play as much as he does. Counting travel time it was a solid 12 hours door to door today.
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