Today's post will be a quicky. Jedi got breakfast out of a bowl this morning because I was lazy and also because I was watching Secret. Secret ended up getting dropped off at the vet this morning because she was just off. She's been not quite right probably going all the way back to Sunday when she refused the a-frame at the trial. Last night she wouldn't play frisbee and this morning she had no interest in the hose, which is very unlike her. Long story short they didn't find much other than a pain response when turning her neck to the left. We're sticking her on Doxy, giving her some pain meds, and I'll get her back into the chiro. She seemed fine when I picked her up from the vet office this afternoon, but she's back to hanging out in the laundry room tonight -- but that's most likely due to the thunderstorm blowing through.

The other dogs were a bit wired this morning, so when it came time for my 8:30 meeting I gave everyone chewies. Success, we got through the meeting with nobody making any noise. Everyone settled down after that until I took Secret to the vet at 11:00. When I got home I took Jedi outside to work on his heeling -- the forward motion is really coming together nicely, at least from the perspective of someone who never plans on doing any sort of competitive obedience. I filled a pool for Jedi after he ate so that it would be ready for him after we played fetch, and then I threw the tennis ball for him a bit. I cut him off fairly early on because of the heat, but I'm pretty certain he would have kept going forever. He did enjoy the pool after, though.

I still hadn't heard from the vet's office by 3:00, so I decided to pack up Jedi and Kizzy and go down to the river. We went to the canoe landing this time, as I figured on a hot day there was a good chance the little beach would have people at it. The current is also slower at this spot of the river, so I figured I'd feel better about Jedi going out further.

Jedi had a grand time! He is turning into quite the brave little swimmer. His obsessive nature is kicking in with this pastime now, too, as evidenced by the fact that he comes ashore, drops the toy, and immediately stares into the water waiting for me to throw it again. The baby bumper got brought inside a while ago by a toy thief in the garage -- I forgot about this, so Jedi had to fetch a big bumper today. He managed, but I think he the smaller size is more appropriate for him right now. I worry about him taking in too much water for as wide as he has to open his mouth to grab the big bumper.

At one point I threw a little short toss that Jedi wasn't expecting and he landed right on top of the toy and went under water. After that he got a little hesitant about blasting right into the water. I'd throw the toy, he'd stare at it for a bit, and then he'd jump out and swim. After a couple of those I figured he'd had enough and were done for the day. Hopefully next time we go swimming that won't be an issue. We'll try to hit up something that has a more gradual drop-off, too.
I had to go somewhere and wasn't home when the bulk of the thunderstorm passed through tonight, but Jedi doesn't seem to be any worse for wear. It was still thundering and lightning when we went outside when I got home and he doesn't pay it any attention. I'm so happy that storms don't bother him!
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