Sunday, May 30, 2021

TPLO Day 52

Jedi's PT routine was pretty disrupted this weekend, but I don't think he minded too much because he got to tag along to an agility trial. Granted, the majority of his time was spent in the van, but the weather was mostly nice and I'm sure he appreciates the change of scenery. We got 2" of rain on Friday, though, which meant the creek was too high to swim that day. Then yesterday it was only in the 50s, so no swimming again because of that. It was only about 67 when I got home today, but we went swimming because poor Jedi deserved it.

On Friday and Saturday we were able to get in our morning walk due to late enough start times at the trial. Jedi has moved up to 4 laps around the property, mostly because we're now moving at a much faster pace. Now that Jedi is allowed to trot, he wants to trot EVERYWHERE. He's going to make me take up running.

We did lots of walking at the trial all weekend as well, over a variety of terrain. We even went inside and did a couple of laps in the dirt warmup ring, although I don't think it was deep enough to provide much of an additional workout. There were some curbs, but I think they were too high to do "curb work." We are doing stairs now, very slowly, one controlled step at a time. Speaking of control..... When Jedi and I got back from our first walk on Friday I had my back turned to him while I was getting his water bowl ready. Suddenly Jedi was next to me. In the van. He jumped up! I watched him much closer the rest of the weekend. He really hates being picked up.

Jedi was a good boy while we watched some agility runs, although he did try to get my attention often by offering tricks. His favorite one right now is his "wee-wee" trick, which I am rewarding generously for the reason that it's doing great things to help shift all of his weight onto his right hind. I included some of it in today's video, although the angle is really pretty bad and you can't get a full appreciation for it.

In other news, Jedi is totally off of his post-surgery meds now!

Here's a video update for today. (Link for mobile: )

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