Monday, May 3, 2021

TPLO Day 25

Truthfully, I don't have much to share today and hadn't planned on making a post. But I did want to mark a couple of positive things. Today was the first day that Jedi received no Deramaxx, so he is officially off NSAIDs. He is not showing any signs of pain or favoring the leg in the absence of the Deramaxx, which is great given that he spent a fair amount of time walking in the creek yesterday. It was only a few days ago that I was freaking out internally regarding Jedi's favoring of the bad leg (going back to holding it up, etc.), but I'm back to feeling hopeful because he's been doing great the last couple of days.

We got 1.5" of rain throughout the first half of the day, which meant that the creek was running pretty fast and high today. No creek therapy today, unfortunately. I did have to set up for my Agility Foundations class this afternoon, though, so Jedi got to wander his way through a lot of that. I let him go on the wobble board, he did some "bottoms" on the travel plank and tippy board, we did a few trips through the cavaletti poles, and then I asked him to back up onto the FitPaws stuff. That seems easier for him right now than supporting his weight on the hind end while he steps up with the front paws. Things are progressing great!

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