Tuesday, May 18, 2021

TPLO Day 40

Jedi's walking continues to look good, so this morning I added another lap to our pre-breakfast walk. I'm not tracking time for our walks, but am instead focusing more on distance since that's pretty easy to measure. We're up to three laps around the property now, and we've been able to pick up the pace a bit while keeping Jedi's leg steady. Every now and then he starts twisting it again, so we slow down, work on placing it properly, and then are generally pretty successful at speeding back up.

In addition to our morning walk, we did two laps of the hill walk around 10:30, and then we hit up the creek a little before 2:00, after we'd been outside for a while building & running a course (well, Ren got to run). Because I only have one (early) class on Tuesdays, we went for one more lap around the property before dinner tonight. Given how much we did today, I was happy that Jedi's leg wasn't getting wobbly and tired.

We still have a long way to go on hair growth.... 😏

We have started the process of weaning down Jedi's meds now. I think it was Sunday where I moved his Trazodone to twice a day instead of three times. I'm giving Jedi everything at 9 and 9 now. Yesterday morning he got his last 300mg Gabapentin. Now he's getting 100mg twice a day, which I figure we'll do for another couple of days before going down to once a day. I don't think that the meds are doing anything at all anymore, but I want to bring him down slowly so that we don't bring on a seizure. We should maybe be off the meds by our appointment next Thursday?

Here's a quick video from tonight's walk. (Link for mobile: https://youtu.be/mRzFqVzHd1Q )

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