Feeding seven dogs is a little insane, but we have a system (basically it's business as usual with the visitors in the x-pen to stay out of the way). We worked on more pivots and pivots to the leg during breakfast. We also worked on sit pretty and spent some time trying to get Jedi to use his right paw to touch the target. Silvia suggested to work it from a sit and hold the target way far off to that side so that he practically has no choice. I think part of my problem is that I'm holding the target in my right hand and crossing his body with it. This is due to the mechanics of holding the target and clicker together, and holding the food in my left hand. It would probably help if I would switch this around. Jedi is doing better about offering the other paw, but it's always kind of a "two for one" deal because he always does the left first, then the right.

We got to Canine Sports Zone at 10:00, so I had plenty of time to get everyone out to go potty. Jedi even got to come in before the runs started and we played some crate games and did some restrained toy retrieves. I introduced a fun fur ring toy that I bought the weekend I picked Jedi up and he thought that was pretty cool.

After Kaiser was done with his turn I took him back out to the van and then brought Jedi back in to work through the rest of his lunch. We did more pivots, played on the balance disc that was sitting out, and when and did some bottoms on the raised plank that was sitting up by the ring. Jedi got to meet a bunch of new people, including the people who will be teaching the agility foundations class that we start on Tuesday. We're going to have so much fun with that! After lunch was gone I grabbed the long furry tail and we ran a couple of laps around the big ring. I really need to put more work into Jedi's wait so that I can get ahead of him a bit. We have less of a "chase the toy" and end up more with a "hold the toy as he runs alongside me."
It was a quiet ride home, which was long enough for Jedi to recharge his batteries. He might have gotten in a short nap this afternoon, but for the most part he's been going nonstop. There are too many dogs here to play with -- When one of them gets tired, he just moves on to the next one. I think he's been outside pretty much all day. I've closed the gate to the big yard to at least limit the trouble they can get into -- like the pools. He was absolutely soaked again one of the times I went out to check on him this afternoon. I thought puppies needed to sleep? Apparently not this one! We worked for dinner on the treadmill tonight since we haven't touched it for weeks. Jedi had no problems starting right where he left off and we made it up to 1.5 mph tonight.
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