Happy Friday! I debated going into the office today since I missed Wednesday, but ultimately I figured my double drive in yesterday made up for it. Jedi was quite the busy little bee this morning. Normally I can expect him to go down for his first nap between 8:30 and 9:00, but he was running around until at least 10:30 today before he finally crashed. It didn't last long, though, I think he was back up and at it in about an hour.

Poor Jedi suffered his first injury today. :o( It was right about noon because I was just starting to think about getting up for his lunch. He was on the floor with Secret and my best guess (by checking out the scene after the fact) is that they were both chewing on hooves. Or Secret had both and Jedi wanted one, hard to say. I will throw out there, though, that I have seen several instances where Jedi has taken something directly out from under Secret and she let him do it, so this was totally unexpected.

At any rate, it was quick and Jedi took off screaming around the couch. I'm pretty sure that Secret thought I was going to kill her for as much as I yelled at her. Jedi was sitting next to the couch and moved into the kitchen, which is when I saw blood dropping onto the floor. I tried not to freak out as he then made his way into the bathroom, still dripping blood everywhere.
Once in the bathroom I was able to grab some toilet paper to wipe things off and get a good look at things. It looks like Secret got him with a single tooth, but it must have punctured. It was a bleeder, though, that's for sure. Jedi was an absolute saint through all of this and sat quietly while I put pressure on his nose to try to stop the bleeding. At one point he had a bit of blood drip out of his nose, too, but I couldn't find any other marks on him. After holding a compress over the cut for at least 15 minutes it was still bleeding lightly, so I held ice over the spot (again, he was so good). I cleaned him up with a cotton ball soaked in peroxide and it still appeared to be bleeding ever so slightly.

At that point I elected to just let him be to let everything settle. He was pretty beat from having hardly slept this morning, and I wanted to keep him quiet for a bit, so I elected to push off lunch and let him rest. He slept for about an hour and was back to his happy self when he woke up. It was raining, so we did lunch downstairs where we worked on pivot, various target tricks, and the spoon/bowl thing.
It was a pretty quiet afternoon, which is good because it rained for hours. I don't think I saw Secret come out of hiding until almost 4:00, at which point she was trying to make up with Jedi for being such a bitch. Lucky for her he doesn't seem to hold a grudge.
The rain stopped around 5:00, so I packed up the dogs and we went to a section of the bike trail that runs between a stretch of Janus Ave that loops back around, so we parked on Janus Ave and turned around when we got to Janus Ave, if that makes any sense. This part of the bike trail is pretty remote and cuts through farmland. Because the rain had just ended and it was otherwise not a very nice day, I expected that we would have the trail to ourselves.

The dogs had fun and got to stretch out their legs. The Klee Kai seemed to enjoy their new flexi leashes, and Jedi thought the tape leashes were way better for grabbing and tugging than the cord ones were. I brought his tuggy leash along this time, though, so I was prepared to distract him with that, and he probably tug-walked for almost a quarter mile...
Because of the recent rain the dogs got good and wet from running through the tall grass. Jedi probably got the wettest thanks to the number of times he somersaulted while running off the side of the trail. He was just full of himself today, which was good to see after the rough afternoon he'd had. In total we were out for an hour and probably made it about 2.5 miles. He's getting more stamina, that's for sure.

It was just starting to rain again when we got home and went to feed dinner, but not so bad that we couldn't go work for dinner outside. We did some teeter slams at the current height and then I did bump the cone back a little bit to raise the plank just a touch more -- it's probably about 4" off the ground now. Jedi didn't even notice the difference, but we'll still take it slow from here on out. He needs to grow taller before I can expect him to jump too high onto the plank.
We ended with a few cupboard slams inside because the rain was starting to come down harder. I learned that my cupboards are a pain in the butt and like to close themselves. Jedi also likes to close them with his butt. One thing is obvious, though, and that is that he is not at all startled by the noise or movement.
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