It was a long half-day today, as I had a noon meeting that I had to stick around for. Thankfully it got out a little early and I ended up getting home just after 1:00. It was apparently nap time for all of the dogs because nobody saw or heard me pull into the garage. It's always entertaining to get the surprise woo's and barks when I open the door, as they are caught slacking on their guard dog duties. Jedi did fine with his 5.5 hours in the crate. I love that he's learning to associate the crate with awesome stuff already. He dives into the crate in the bedroom because that's where he gets his "second breakfast" of canned food and yogurt while I get ready in the morning, and he also gets a treat for going in there at night. When I leave to go to work everyone gets Kongs filled with tasty stuff and Jedi sure seems to have figured out that routine already as well. I feel better leaving him knowing that he doesn't mind hanging out in the crate.

For our outing of the day I packed up Jedi, along with Kaiser, and we went to West Salem. I parked in the little lot by the bike trail right at the edge of downtown, with the goal of exposing him to a new downtown area. Downtown West Salem isn't very big, so we actually ended up walking the entire length of Leonard Street from one end to the other, then crossing the road and coming back down the other side. We left the van at 5:20 and returned just as the 6:00 whistle was sounding, so it ended up being a fairly nice little trek.

Some guy came out of one of the shops (it was probably a bar) and shouted across the street at us, "Hey, are those husky puppies?" Umm.... Okay, I get that all the time when I have the Klee Kai out, that's normal. But I wouldn't have ever pegged Jedi as a husky puppy. That's a new one! Aside from that, the only real entertainment in the downtown area was the glass doors. Jedi was quite enamored with checking out his reflection in the glass (he also had to stop to admire himself on the side panels of a few cars). There was a fair amount of vehicle traffic, which included several farm vehicles, including a large tractor that drove right through downtown.
We didn't encounter too many people out and about, probably because it felt like a storm was blowing in (we got sprinkled on a few times). On the way back down Leonard Street we saw a woman walking a golden retriever on the other side of the street. Jedi got a little woofy and was interested in the dog, but he did redirect easily. Not that long after, I was paying attention to a woman with a small dog up the street on our side, and completely didn't see the stupid fat terrier mix that came barreling across the street at us with his hackles up (dog is lucky he didn't get schmucked). I'm incredibly thankful that I had Kaiser along tonight, as he is, with the exception of Luke, my most completely non-reactive dog. The off-leash dog focused entirely on Kaiser, who blessedly was very good about the entire situation. Jedi had a chance to sniff at the stranger dog, but, not knowing anything about the dog and considering that his hackles were still up, I elected to pick Jedi up at that point and then used my foot to shoo the dog away from Kaiser. Apparently Kaiser wasn't very exciting to him, as he then parted and decided to start peeing on everything instead.

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