I ended up staying home today because I couldn't manage to get myself dressed in time to leave early enough to make my 8:30 meeting. That meant that I had to do my team meeting via Google hangout during the dogs' most active time of the day -- Jedi made one appearance when he jumped up on the couch behind me because the other dogs were barking at something. I'm glad he didn't pull one of his lovely run across the keyboard maneuvers that are becoming his signature lately.

Jedi weighed in at 18.3lbs at his appointment today -- I thought for sure he was going to hit 20lbs at this appointment, so I was happily surprised that he isn't as gargantuan as I thought. I had the backpack full of toys along, so we passed time in the room playing with various toys. We just had a tech appointment for Jedi's Lyme booster today, so it was a pretty quick in and out once the tech came in. He didn't much care for the Lyme vaccine the first time, but this time it was a non-ordeal. I hit Jedi up with aspirin just in case we encountered any soreness like last time, but I haven't noticed anything this time.

Jedi finally got to eat lunch once we got home a little before 3:00. I tried to go outside to work on the hold trick, but we were chased inside by rain so I brought the pole inside and we worked on it there.
I really waffled on whether we should go to class tonight. Between my back and the way Jedi reacted to the last Lyme vaccine I didn't know if there was much point. I'm pretty stubborn, though (some might say stupid), and when 4:00 rolled around I decided to give it a go. I won't lie, there were several points on the drive where I came close to turning around to come home (I didn't sleep well last night and that didn't help things much, either). I pushed on, though, and I'm glad I did because we had a fun night!

Next everyone was introduced to restrained retrieves. I think 3/4 of the class brought squeaky toys tonight and it was during this portion of the night that every single one of them decided to start squeaking their toys. Jedi got to demonstrate again, which he was more than happy to do. We didn't continue to do this exercise with all of the mad squeaking going on, though, because Jedi was starting to lose his mind a bit. Instead we just focused on being able to tug among all of the squeaking (I'm telling you, there was a lot of squeaking). Jedi did awesome. Last week he really struggled to work through that.

On the other side we were introduced to the chute. Our group of 3 did well and the fabric was quickly let out. After a few passes through the full (AKC) length being dropped on him I said he would probably be fine going through on his own -- he was. He's already pulling like a freight train to get into the chute and tunnel.

For our last rotation we did restrained recalls through the tunnel -- and they started to add the slightest curve to the tunnel (so slight that I was like, is that supposed to be like that?). Hooray for restrained recalls! Jedi is a fruit loop. That said, he wasn't screaming or doing anything to bring attention to himself, but for some reason almost every dog in the class was fixated on him tonight. Three different dogs left their handlers to run to Jedi tonight. He completely ignored all of them because he was just fixated on his toy. I can't get too upset when this happens -- Jedi did manage to get away from me once tonight when he heard one of those squeakers and I didn't have him in working mode. Last week I said I should bring my tug with a squeaker in it (I forgot), but now I'm almost determined to get through this without a stupid squeaker.

I'd gone through almost all of Jedi's food in class tonight, so he got a little extra while the other dogs ate their late dinner. We just played with the pole grab, although Jedi started out just certain that I wanted him to do the pee trick again. He's a little obsessed with that one at the moment.