Thursday, August 5, 2021

TPLO Day 119 (17 weeks)

I forgot to get a picture for today's post, so this is what you get. Jedi has assumed his usual position of sleeping under the table until we go to bed. This is actually pretty good, usually he's wedged through the rungs of one of the chairs.

I had our pre-consultation with a member of Dr. Eide's team on Monday as scheduled. No surprise, our "20 minute call" quickly doubled in time, but I was just so thankful that someone was finally listening to me and acknowledging our struggles. I shared our history and it sounds like we're going to move forward with scheduling a 90-minute consult with Dr. Eide to come up with a plan. Unfortunately she's currently serving jury duty, so we have to wait until that wraps up to actually schedule something. Until I hear back from them, I'm just going to continue with what we're doing.

I actually feel like maybe there has been some progress this week. Don't get me wrong, the leg still wobbles, but maybe just a little bit less? I've modified our routine slightly in that I keep Jedi on leash for the first five laps, and then when I bring the old dogs out for the last three laps I am letting Jedi off leash. The three leashes just wasn't working well.... I am keeping him to a walk and trot off leash, although I'm thrilled to report that I've actually seen him lope on the right lead a time or two this week. He gets to be off leash again for the after-class walk in the evenings and is being a good boy. I keep him on leash for the hill work to control his speed for that, although he seems to hate hill work and drags a bit going up hill. Me, too, buddy....

I've backed off on agility stuff for the most part. I've let him play a little while I'm setting stuff up, and that's about it. Monday was my first night of a new session of contacts class, so everything was set very low. I let Jedi go over everything, including his running a-frame. Everything looked fine, but he definitely seemed sore later on. A couple of days later we did some jump wraps for his toy and he seemed to actually hold up well to that with no gimping later on.

I pulled Jedi from the AKC trial in Ohio that I'd stuck him in on August 20/21 (19 weeks post-op). I haven't pulled entries for the trials the next two weekends yet and figure we'll go day by day on those and pull on the closing date if need be.

Here is today's video. (Link for mobile: )

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