Thursday, July 8, 2021

TPLO Day 91 (13 weeks)

Today we are 13 weeks out from Jedi's TPLO surgery! Jedi is very much enjoying his continued freedoms and activity since being "released" by his surgeon last week. We traveled up to Indianapolis over the weekend, which included a hotel stay and our very first time back in a bed since Jedi's surgery. The dogs thought it was awesome, whereas I pretty much slept as well as I always do in hotels. We've been back in the bedroom since arriving home, though, and it's been very nice.

Note in the above photo that Jedi got his tug leash back. This makes him exceptionally happy. I switched him out to a leather leash at the beginning of his recovery to discourage him from his jumping/leaping/tugging habit, and he's been very good about not going after the leather. As soon as his fleece leash came back out he was a tugging fool. He really missed it.

We were able to take several nice walks on the streets around the trial facility during the day, but that was the extent of Jedi's rehab over the weekend. Thankfully we got home in time on Sunday that he could go swimming! He did get in lots and lots of tugging while ringside at the trial, too. The poor guy was ever so hopeful that he was going to get to go in the ring every time we came back inside the building.

This week has largely been about learning to let go. For the most part I'm letting Jedi go outside by himself now, although that's more self-serving than anything. He did one of his leap & spin maneuvers off the porch this morning, so I'm going to have to put him back into his harness for that first trip outside again. I didn't like that move even before he broke himself. Otherwise he's been pretty much free and only under verbal control (he is a good boy).

Here's the hair growth situation as of this morning. I comb through his coat most evenings during his massage & stretching sessions. Right now he's carrying about the least amount of coat that I've ever seen on him, but it helps to blend in the shaved bits.

I have been slowly reintroducing agility to Jedi, mostly with the goal of safely adding in speed again. I had a straight tunnel set for class on Monday night, so I recalled him through that a couple of times. This week I have recalled him over some 8" jumps a few times, and today we did 12". Everything is just in a straight line right now. I let Jedi do a teeter this afternoon and cringed a bit at the force with which it hit the ground. This evening we played around on the tiny training teeter that I have out for the beginners and I felt a lot better about that one. He's so happy to be playing again! We are entered in a trial in Ohio that is six weeks out, so we'll see if we're ready come then.

Here's our video from today. It's our morning walk, some of his morning workout for breakfast, and swimming. (Link for mobile: )

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