We're now 14 weeks following Jedi's TPLO surgery. That's almost 100 days! In the above photo Jedi is posing with his daily castoffs. I've been combing through his coat pretty much daily while we are on the floor doing his PT and I seem to get about this much hair out of him every day. It's crazy. Our daily swims have given him a pretty crazy hairdo and I figured that the daily grooming will hopefully help to blend in the new growth. Overall I think he's looking pretty good!
I have more or less given Jedi freedom to do whatever on our morning walks these days. He overdid it on Sunday, unfortunately. Because we take Sundays off from our morning PT exercises, I decided to let Jedi & Ren stay out to walk extra laps with the old dogs. We have been doing five laps lately (about 20 minutes), and on Sunday we did four and then I got the other dogs, who get an extra three laps. Jedi was running around like a loon the whole time and just as we were finishing up the last lap I noted that he was standing by the gate holding up his surgery leg, and then he continued to favor it the rest of the way back into the house (without a leash on him, good luck getting him to just walk....). I gave him some Deramaxx that morning and we took it easy that day. He's been doing well since, but it is not uncommon for him to be stiff for a bit following activity. I definitely can't skip his nightly massage or I notice a difference the next day.
Jedi continues to be allowed to do more agility in short spurts. I had hoops and a barrel out for class on Monday, for instance, so I let him run through those some. On Tuesday I let him run through some 8" jumps on the course I had set. The turning was a bit much for him, I think, because he did seem sore after that. I have started to do some short 1-jump drills of offering the jump back and forth at 20". That's where I really see weakness and lack of power from his hind end. Finally, I let him play on the short training teeter some, because I still think the full sized teeter has a little more bounce back than I want to see for him right now.
We still have the "problem" of the right leg toeing in, but it's not 100% of the time so I still hope that it continues to improve. It hasn't seemed to bother Jedi at all, I just worry about long-term soundness from it. But other than that I'm really quite happy with the way he's carrying himself and he seems to more or less be weighting his legs equally when standing.
Here's our video from today. It includes our morning walk, Jedi's water workout (I stand in more shallow water now so that he has to push through it a bit before swimming), and a demo of where he's at with "agility"work. (Link for mobile: https://youtu.be/flPt1UtENEs )
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