Thursday, April 22, 2021

TPLO Day 14

Today marks two weeks since Jedi had his TPLO surgery. Each week is a milestone because it marks another week towards recovery and we get to add in more activity. Jedi's walks are creeping up on ten minutes now, in which we essentially do one slow lap of our property. Today I went and grabbed the head halter out of the van. It's been quite some time since Jedi has worn this, as he and Ren really only wore it for a time as puppies. After briefly trying to rub it off at the start of our midday walk, Jedi accepted the head halter and our walk was SO MUCH better. He actually walked slowly at my side. I'm glad for this because I was worrying about how much he was pulling in the harness, along with the fact that he wasn't walking well because he was gorging himself on grass spit out from the mower.

Jedi's incision is looking fantastic. He's been out of his collar since our pre-lunch walk. I left it off of him on purpose then since I was in the house and able to watch him. I fully intended to put it back on when I went out for class tonight, but I completely forgot. I scrolled through the camera footage from the two hours I was outside and I didn't see him licking at his leg even once. Earlier today he seemed to enjoy scratching at his ears and neck a bit, and once he went after the bare spot on his back, but I haven't seen him show interest in the incision spot at all. I'm thinking he may get to go naked from here on out.

That poor naked chicken leg... Up close you can see hair starting to grow in, but from a distance things still look pretty bad. I also still need to tackle Jedi with a brush, but I did get his nails trimmed today! Following his afternoon PT exercises I sat with him in the outdoor xpen and got it done. He was a good boy.

We got refills of Gabapentin and Trazodone today. I called the vet clinic yesterday, planning ahead before we ran out this time. I figured it would be best to keep him on it until we see Dr. Wearing next week at the very least. We ran out of the post-surgery Deramaxx this morning, but I have that on hand and will keep him on that as well.

Our video today is of our afternoon PT session, following a walk around the back. We walked over ground poles and we did a figure eight pattern around a couple of cones. (Video for mobile: )

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