On Saturday the dogs and I drove down to Canine Sports Zone to play at their run-throughs. I love that they've started to hold these on Saturdays -- at least when I don't have anywhere else I need to be. I do find it a bit ridiculous that the money I pay to run all four dogs would cover the cost of an hour-long private ring rental, but it's nice to have other people/dogs there to give it more of a trial-like feel. While Jedi hasn't shown that he is going to have any issues with the trial environment, I figure it never hurts to give him the opportunity to get comfortable playing in the ring with other dogs around. Honestly, though, when you put Jedi in that situation he is just completely oblivious to all of that other stuff going on (which is a blessed change from what I went through with Kizzy).

Possibly thanks to my request, the folks at CSZ had set up the individual large dog agility course from the Agility World Championships. There was a novice course nested in it and one of these days I should probably start looking at those to give Jedi something more age/skill appropriate. Again, though, I didn't really have time to put together a plan for Jedi's turn and ended up just working him through some pieces of the course I was running my other dogs on. I figure we're not there to work on actual skills anyhow, we're just taking advantage of getting to play around equipment, on turf, around other dogs and people.

I got Jedi's first trip on video -- Nothing super exciting, but he had fun! A minute and a half is not long enough for the crazy puppy. Thankfully he was the last to go and then they opened the course up to walk-throughs again. I kept Jedi in the ring with me while I went around to help set bars, so he got to play in the ring a bit longer. Then we went out and played with a couple of wings that were in the crating area (also on turf). By the end of that Jedi's tongue was hanging way out (look how big that tongue is!!), so I think he was happy with the amount of play time he got. I didn't get his second session on video because he was the last dog to run and most people were gone. We were a little more organized on that round, still just breaking the course into the small bits that Jedi could do. I think he had lots of fun!

I hoped to get out on Sunday for another hike, but I ended up being disgustingly lazy. I finally got out and mowed the lawn before dinner. Jedi has no fear of the mower now and has joined the ranks of the other dogs as being one I need to make move out of the path of the mower as I come by. At one point he was laying next to the table and I chuckled because that's where he used to hide from the mower. I don't think he can fit under there anymore! Jedi was a bit loony from having done nothing all day, so after I was done mowing I dragged a few traffic cones out into the yard and ran him a bit. I threw in the tiny teeter, which Jedi does well with when hopping on from the side, but really overshoots when you add in any sort of speed. Stopping is hard!

Today I had to take my van over to Brenengen Ford for an alignment check after getting new tires put on. I took Jedi along and took him for a walk while they worked on the van. We walked down the main drag (Hwy 16) to the park. Jedi did well on the walk to the park but lost his ever-loving mind as soon as he saw water. Seriously, all leash manners went completely out the window and I couldn't get him to walk nicely for more than 2 seconds at a time, and they were stiff, halting steps before trying to take off for the river. I finally gave up and took off his leash. We found some sticks that were washed ashore by the recent flooding. Jedi enjoyed jumping in after them but lost them nearly every time. Apparently someone is used to brightly-colored bumpers.

After some swimming time I put Jedi back on leash to walk through the park. He continued to completely ignore me and fixate on the water. This continued as we headed back towards the dealership, until which point he couldn't see water anymore and then returned to his well-behaved angelic self. The van was ready when we got back, so Jedi just had to sit and wait patiently while I got everything paid for. Other than a couple of impatient barks when I wasn't engaging with/looking at him, he was really good. One nice thing about a dog who fixates on you waiting to play is that they are oblivious to those around them and don't try to do obnoxious things like jump on strangers. :o)

I really should have set something up and worked the dogs tonight, but instead I was lazy and we threw frisbees. I've been working with Jedi and he's starting to do better at catching low throws. I moved to throwing the disc in an effort to try to keep him from killing himself with face plants and somersaults that he does with balls and rollers. His catch rate is pretty low because he doesn't really track the disc yet. He generally overshoots it and has to come back to get it, but at least that's at a more moderate speed. When I manage to get the disc directly in front of his nose he shows he actually can grab it. In an effort to keep him from jumping I often throw it too low. We are a work in progress. He sure does love his frisbee, though. Agility, dock diving, frisbee.... So many things to choose from!
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