Yesterday was a pretty quiet day. It was hotter than heck again, so I finally made Jedi happy and filled up the baby pool again. I had a couple different appointments and elected to leave Jedi at home. This is the first oil change that Jedi has missed since he came home (yes, another one). I knew it was going to be a longer appointment due to the tire rotation and I didn't want to try to entertain my bored-to-tears puppy for over an hour. Once the yard started to get shady I went out to pick up the yard and gave Jedi some play time where we started to introduce some rear cross fundamentals. I have to say I kind of felt like a failure when trying to teach this skill to Kizzy, but Jedi looks like he'll pick it up quite easily. My only struggle now is keeping all of my cues straight.

I got home from work around 1:00 today, which certainly isn't very late -- I'd left for work at the usual 7:30. When I walked in the door I could smell something. I'll be honest, Luke is having a lot of problems lately and I immediately assumed that he'd had yet another accident. Well, not quite. As I bent down to open Jedi's crate the smell got stronger. Yup. Poor guy had his first accident in the crate. I saw him pee and poop immediately before I left this morning, so I'm not really sure what happened. Thankfully (?) he tried to bury it in his blanket and seems to have managed to not cover himself in poop. Hopefully we don't have that happen again. I'm sure it wasn't much fun for him, either.

Tonight was Jedi's very last puppy class. It's been such a blessing to bring him along to all of my puppy classes since he arrived! Jedi was able to fully participate in three full groups/sessions of puppy classes -- how many people/puppies can say that? It was a great opportunity for him to meet lots of new people and puppies, as well as work on his ability to focus around distractions. For the most part he did exceptionally well with each group. He's displayed some minor resource guarding behaviors, but it was largely when he was tired and not focusing as well anymore. There were a few times in the first class when I had to give Jedi a timeout for playing too rough, but he's been great with the puppies in these last two classes.

Jedi got a lot of play time with Bumper the Great Dane tonight, as they were the first to arrive. Bumper and Jedi love each other -- perhaps because Bumper looks like a giant border collie? :o) Daisy the poodle arrived soon thereafter and the mood changes a bit with her exuberant energy, but Jedi was able to switch gears and go between the two. Daisy plays rough, but Jedi doesn't seem to mind. At one point someone noticed blood on Jedi. Then we found a canine tooth on the floor. I hoped it was Jedi's, but nope, it belonged to Daisy. Darn it. Jedi's retained canine is still holding strong. It continues to turn brown, so hopefully it just falls out one of these days.

A big storm blew through this afternoon, but it cleared up enough that we were able to take the class outside on a walk again tonight. Jedi was a good boy, except, of course, when I handed him off to a student while I worked her dog. I again made no promises that he would behave for her, but it's kind of embarrassing to see him flip the switch from awesome/calm dog to crazed hooligan. I'm not really sure how to fix that, but nor do I really care since it's not something I really do very often with my dogs. I'm sure if I handed him over to a "dog person" he'd be a lot better. The class ended with recalls back in the basement and Jedi was a good boy, not barking at all.

We've got an AKC trial at Canine Sports Zone the next two days, so Jedi will be spending a lot of time in a crate the next two days. I should have plenty of time to get him out to play between runs, though -- but it won't be near the fun he's come to associate with his regular trips to CSZ.
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